Saturday, June 7, 2008

Change in Action: DNC Returns $$

Putting Change into action, our first example: campaign finance reform.

The DNC took an historic step this week in adopting Barack Obama's fundraising rules for the 2008 election. It was a big risk never taken on by a major political organization before. We realize that we can't wait for Washington to do it for us, we need to lead by setting an example now.

Putting words immediately into action, CNN reported that the new Obama edict requires DNC to return $100,000
The Democratic National Committee is now operating under Barack Obama's fundraising rules.

The DNC today returned about $100,000 in money from lobbyists and political action committees.
Obama imposed the rules to avoid a conflict with his own ban on money from federal lobbyists and PACs.

Republican John McCain does accept money from lobbyists and PACs as does the Republican National Committee and other party committees.

With almost 2 million individual donors, and now adding supporters of Hillary Clinton, we can prove that when we are focused on a common cause there is no problem we can't solve.

That is the basis of this change everyone has been talking about: We have known the solutions needed for years - but we have simply lacked the political will until now.

We are witnessing the emancipation of the American voter - by banding together with small contributions, we are competing and winning.

Look out Washington, there's a wave coming your way, and it's gonna sweep the slate clean and usher in a new era of prosperity!

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