Monday, June 30, 2008

Why Does McCain Have a Problem with (Real) "Straight Talk?"

In case you missed my post earlier today noting how John McCain's new "Truth Squad" has a member of Swiftboat Veteran's For Truth on it, it looks like John McCain's relationship to the "truth" is growing more strained by the minute.

As Thinkprogress reports today, McCain's new "Straight Talk Express" campaign plane will have a "special" area for a group of reporters to interview him. The only requirement to get access to this "special area?" Write nice things about John McCain:
John McCain is now traveling in a new "Straight Talk Express" campaign airplane.

It "features a special area" with "a couch and two captain's chairs" where "McCain will conduct group interviews with the press."

But not all reporters covering McCain can enjoy this new lap of luxury. Top McCain aide Mark Salter said "only the good reporters' would get to sit in the specially-configured section for interviews."

"You'll have to earn it," he said. So how can these reporters "earn" a seat? Never challenge the Senator, as McCain biographer Matt Welch explained in a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times:
[McCain is] very open to people. You can come on the bus, everything is great but if he knows or if his team knows that you have a hostile line of questioning or you have a long and well documented critique, they're not going to talk to you.

As a human, he's haunted by the notion of honesty and about honor and truth. He wishes that he could speak the truth all the time. He doesn't. I don't think he speaks the truth any more than any other politician really, no more, no less .
True to form, John McCain is following in the footsteps of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Want more "free speech zones?" How about audiences in town hall meetings picked for their loyalty?

Want more politicization of our government like DOJ hiring only "loyal bushies?" How about firing US Attorneys who aren't being partisan enough?

My friends, with John McCain we can expect more of the Same.

McCain's "Truth Squad" Has Swiftboater as Member

Thinkprogress reports today that John McCain's new "Truth Squad" has a former Swift Boat Veterans for Truth as a Member:
One of the members of McCain's new Truth Squad - Bud Day - was a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and appeared in an attack ad for the group in 2004. Day said of John Kerry’s military service: "My view is he basically will go down in history sometime as the Benedict Arnold of 1971."
So far John McCain is following in Bush & Cheney's footsteps true to form by using terms like "truth" in the name of a group whose purpose may after all be set up to disseminate lies.

Why else would he hire a former Swift Boat Veterns for Truth member as part of his own "Truth" group? Might at well call McCain's "Truth Squad" by a more accurate name: how about "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Part II?"

Lastly, and true to form, John McCain seems to lack any sense of the irony that he formed this group to respond to those who might call into question his military career... by retaining the services of someone who ran one of the most famous and widely condemned attacks on military service we've seen in modern political history.

Friday, June 27, 2008

2 Great Books by 2 Great Rappers

I would like to recommend to completely different books with wildly different perspectives. What makes me pair them together? They are written by two of the most prolific and seminal rappers of our time: Fight the Power, Rap, Race and Reality, by Chuck D from Public Enemy - and Ruminations by KRS-One.

Each book goes into the very personal and interesting background stories of each of these artists, but while their individual experiences may be similar in ways, their prescriptions for the future could not be more different.

For example, Chuck D devotes a chapter to the notion of reparations and comes out in favor of the idea (and even provides some math to illustrate how much such a thing might cost), while KRS-One also devotes a chapter to reparations but speaks out against the idea - and you might be surprised at the reasons why.... (but I can't give that part away, you have to read it yourself to see why).

I highly recommend both these books for anyone interested in the topic of race, politics, and our cultural landscape in america. I especially recommend reading these two books as a way of informing yourselves about the very different perspectives, and the debate on the issue of reparations from within the black community.

The Hip-Hop Generation

Like the saying goes, never discuss politics at the dinner table, the same could be said of discussing race in politics.

But today is about breaking those taboos and - I hope - creating a safe environment where people can express their views frankly, and in a spirit of unity. We need to be sure that we are on the same page when discussing these issues.

That said, the books I am going to recommend I have read myself and found both illuminating and surprising. If the topic of race and politics in America is interesting to you - for negative OR positive reasons - then I believe you owe it to yourself and to the people you engage with to be informed in as many ways as you can about the topic.

The first book I would like to recommend is The Hip-hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African American Culture, by Bakari Kitwana.

In recent debates here on Partybuilder, I have often seen references to "young blacks" and "hip-hoppers." This book delves into the public policies and cultural psychologies of those born between 1965 and 1985.

In this book, author Bakari Kitwana does a brilliant job of laying out compelling and well-researched evidence of racially biased laws, as well as looking frankly at cultural issues like misogyny and self-perception.

Kitwana has also done extensive research on underground economies, and generational differences between those who grew up under the banner of Civil Rights, and those people who grew up in a post civil rights generation.

The book concludes with an eye-opening discussion on the changing forms of activism in a post-civil rights era, and devotes the final chapter to showcasing Hip-hop generation activists and the novel approaches they are using to help our culture progress.

This is en eye-opening book, and may change the way you look at everything from republicans to crack cocaine. It is a must-read for anyone interested in how youth culture - and hip-hop culture in particular - factor into larger cultural issues of economics, class, gender, and race.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

U.S. Major General: Bush Admin "Committed War Crimes"

As if it wasn't bad enough that Bush & Cheney have committed multiple crimes against our constitution, a new report released by Physicians for Human Rights found "clear" evidence of torture on terrorism suspects:
Former terrorist suspects detained by the United States were tortured, according to medical examinations detailed in a report released Wednesday by a human rights group.
The detainees were never charged with crimes.

In a 121-page report, the doctors' group said that it uncovered medical evidence of torture, including beatings, electric shock, sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation, sodomy and scores of other abuses.

The report is prefaced by retired U.S. Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, who led the Army's investigation into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in 2003.

"There is no longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes," Taguba says. "The only question is whether those who ordered torture will be held to account."
George Bush and Dick Cheney have perverted our constitution, and have soiled America's reputation as a beacon for liberty and human rights.

Today, I mourn for my country.

How dare you Mr. Bush. How dare you take these innocent people and torture them for years on end without charging them with a crime.

You have made our country less safe with your irresponsible and reprehensible actions. It will take us years to undo the damage you have caused to our nation; but even if it takes years to convict you of the crimes you are surely guilty of, Mr. President, rest assured justice WILL find you.

That these men were released without ever being charged with a crime is perhaps the most condemning thing of all, Mr. Bush. You are a disgrace to the office of the president.

I am speechless, except to say this to you Mr. President. In the words of Bob Dylan:
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
(Click "Read More" for the complete lyrics)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Barack Obama, Father of the Year

As a Democrat who grew up without a father, I usually spend Father's Day giving a second tribute to my mom - who raised me, my two brothers and my sister by herself.

At the same time, being raised in a single parent family, helps me identify with Barack Obama, who was also raised by a single mother.

But throughout my life I have still sought out male role-models and father figures; to learn from, and to rely on when I needed some "fatherly" advice.

It could be teachers, bosses, or friend's fathers. So even as being raised by a single mother gave me the strongest regard for the strength and equality of women, I was still able to find male role models - even of my own father was not one of them.

But this Father's Day is a little different. While walking through my neighborhood, I picked up the current copy of Rolling Out magazine, which gave this tribute to Barack Obama, "Father of the Year":
The junior senator form Illinois is now head of the Democratic house, and thereby shoulders the burdens, responsibilities, and aspirations for the entire political family - And for a large segment of the American populace.

Like a good and competent father, Obama exemplifies leadership and positive paternal attributes by giving Americans a reason to hope and a promise that things will change for the better.

As he continues to traverse the nation, receiving rock-star treatment wherever he goes, Obama has given stern lectures about a wayward government and what he plans to do to turn it around.

He has admonished his contemporaries and adversaries to eschew the politics of divisiveness in place of the spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness. He has implored his fellow citizens to actively participate in the country's campaign to reverse its perilous course. And, as we have seen thus far, the country has responded with unadulterated enthusiasm.
So on this Father's Day I will for the first time in my life give tribute to a father: our Democrat nominee for president Barack Obama, who throughout the tortuous primary never missed a single birthday or parent-teacher conference for his two daughters.

Wish I had a dad like you Barack! But through your example, may we see more good dads in the future. I hope you enjoy this day with your 2 wonderful children.

D. Tree

Obama Delivers Powerful Father's Day Message

The Obama family celebrated Father's Day together, attending services at Chicago's Apostolic Church of God.

Obama delivered a speech on fatherhood from the pulpit, and he didn't shy away from confronting difficult issues
"Too many fathers are also missing. Too many fathers are MIA. Too many fathers are AWOL. Missing from too many lives and too many homes. They've abandoned their responsibilities, they're acting like boys instead of men, and the foundations of our family have suffered because of it. You know and I know this is true everywhere, but nowhere is it more true than in the African American community," he said, delivering his straight-talking message to the African American congregation.
Obama continued, showing his commitment to confronting problems directly with honest solutions
"We can't simply write these problems off to past injustices. Those injustices are real. There's a reason why our families are just in disrepair, and some of it has to do with a tragic history, but we can't keep on using that as an excuse."
We need to be honest with ourselves if we are to rally together around the common causes of our time. Showing himself as the unconventional democrat that he is, Obama said it's not just government that we need to look toward to solve our problems, we must also look to ourselves
He recognized that the government has to change in order to improve the economy and schools, which is why he's running for president. But, he added, "The change we need is not just gonna come from government. It's not just gonna come from a president. It's gonna come from us. It's gonna come from each and every one of us. We need families to raise our children. We need fathers to recognize that responsibility just doesn't end at conception. That doesn't just make you a father. What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child. Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father."
A powerful Father's Day message indeed.

D. Tree

(and in case you missed my morning post about Barack Obama being named "Father of the Year" click here to check it out).

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Obama's Plan Would Create 5 Million New Green Energy Jobs

Before helping to fill sandbags in a part of Illinois hit by flooding, Barack Obama travelled to Wayne, Pennsylvania where he layed out his energy and tax plans:
According to his campaign, Obama wants to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years to establish a green energy sector; create a national low-carbon fuel standard to ensure that the fuel is more efficient, and invest in clean energies like solar, wind and biodiesel.

That, according to the campaign, would create up to 5 million new green energy jobs.
Barack Obama's economic plans will also make taxes more fair, so CEO's aren't paying less than working families and seniors.
And on taxes, Obama blasted the McCain campaign for painting him as a tax-and-spend liberal.
Obama said his tax plan would give "every middle-class family a $1,000 tax cut." In addition, his plan aims to eliminate income taxes for seniors who make less than $50,000 a year.
Barack Obama plans to reinvest in America by putting our resources into new green energy industries. In doing so we'll help break our addiction to foreign oil, *and* we'll create millions of new jobs right here in America.

We have an opportunity to become leaders in this new industry. Starting a new green economy in America has the potential to reverse the threat of everything from terrorism to job outsourcing and trade deficits - and if we make this modest start now, we can eventually achieve so much!

And remember, when someone says we are trying to raise taxes, you might consider saying no, we want to make them fair again. CEO's should not pay less taxes than their secretaries. If you love America, you'll agree we must all contribute, not just the working class.

McCain: "Hell, yeah" Cheney would be good in my administration

John McCain digs himself deeper into third Bush/Cheney term.

This was reported a few days ago, but it keeps echoing in my mind as I see John McCain try to present himself as an independent Republican.

Thinkprogress reported that John McCain would've considered Dick Cheney for a post in his administration:
Asked whether he’d be interested in Cheney had the vice president not already have served under Bush for two terms, McCain said: "I don’t know if I would want him as vice president. He and I have the same strengths. But to serve in other capacities? Hell, yeah."
In other words, when John McCain says "He and I have the same strengths," we should understand that to mean electing John McCain president would be like electing Dick Cheney president

Just. Like. Cheney.

Can America handle a Dick Cheney as president, after nearly 8 years of misery under this one? My fellow Democrats, we must do everything we can to keep this man from winning the Whitehouse in November.

We need to unite around this common cause: defeating the Republicans and electing a Democrat president.

McCain is tricky, he tries to show independence from his Republican masters. But he voted with Bush 100% of the time, and now that he's the GOP nominee we can expect him to tow the party line - no matter how much he makes America suffer in the process.

Our country cannot afford 4 more years of Bush/Cheney policies, in the guise of John McCain.

This year the American people have presented us with an unprecedented mandate for change. Let us take this gift and use it together to win our government back for the American people, so we can enact our progressive vision for the future.

Thank you,
D. Tree

Friday, June 13, 2008

Barack Obama: Stronger Foreign Policy

As several major news organizations have reported today, the policies of Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama inspire more confidence around the world than those of Republican John McCain.

Thinkprogress even published this handy graph comparing approval ratings from the U.S. and 23 of our major allies:

The Pew Report also noted there is "a widespread belief that U.S. foreign policy 'will change for the better' after the inauguration of a new American president next year"

After almost 8 years of disastrous foreign policy from neoconservative Republicans, it is time for us to repair our broken alliances around the world. Clearly, the global community trusts a Democrat more than a Republican.

Do we want more of the same failed Bush/Cheney policies, or do we want to return to the intelligent policies of Democrats - policies that reduced international terrorism and increased prosperity both in the U.S. and around the world?

This November, our choices will be distinctly clear: Vote for John McCain if you want more of the same; however, if you are tired of the dishonesty and failures of the Republican party, Barack Obama is ready to turn the page and begin a new chapter in American and international prosperity.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Do Women Give McCain a "Zero?"

John McCain was never a defender of women's rights.

After all, year after year both NARAL and Planned Parenthood have consistently given him a zero rating when it comes to women's rights.

But now that he's is the republican nominee for president, McCain's going a step further and enthusiastically embracing the medieval gender policies of George W. Bush.

For example, McCain has flip-flopped on Roe v. Wade, and now supports the immediate overturning of the landmark women's rights case..

But it doesn't end there. Check out The Real McCain, a new website devoted to exposing the lies and half-truths in John McCain's campaign.

These short videos titled "McCain Women's Clinic" by Brave New Films, imagine how the future might look for women in America, should John McCain be elected president (click the images to watch parts 1, 2, and 3):

On one hand, we have the Democrat nominee, who has received a 100% rating from NARAL. And on the other hand, we have the Republican nominee, who not only received a big fat ZERO, he also wants to overturn Roe v. Wade.

One wants us to move forward together in common purpose, while the other wants to divide us and drag us back to the dark ages.

As citizens, the choice is in our hands. In a year when candidates like Hillary Clinton opened so many doors and broke down so many barriers, let us not turn away from this progress. Let us honor Hillary's sacrifices and accomplishments by making sure the doors she opened will never be closed again.

And the way to do that to do that, my friends, is to elect a Democrat for president in November!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Top Republican: McCain will be "Extension" of Bush

In a widely-ridiculed speech last Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) noted that "you will hear from my opponent's campaign in every speech, every interview, every press release that I'm running for President Bush's third term."

As Thinkprogress reports, those in McCain's inner circle have no confusion that McCain will indeed represent third term of Bush:
Today on ABC's This Week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) stated unequivocally that McCain's tax and health care policies were not only an extension of Bush's polices but also an "enhancement":

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me bring Senator Graham back in on this because you brought up two. You said the tax policy and the health care policy were essentially, Senator Graham, John McCain is calling for an extension or maybe enhancement of the Bush policies.

GRAHAM: Yeah, absolutely.

Click Here to watch it.

As the general election campaign begins, it will be increasingly clear that John McCain is the choice for those few Americans who actually thrived under Bush and Cheney, and for Americans who want more of the same failed Republican ideas.

Republicans may tell it differently in order to persuade voters, but amongst themselves, and in their closed door fundraisers, GOP operatives are clear: they want to continue more of the same failed policies.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Change in Action: DNC Returns $$

Putting Change into action, our first example: campaign finance reform.

The DNC took an historic step this week in adopting Barack Obama's fundraising rules for the 2008 election. It was a big risk never taken on by a major political organization before. We realize that we can't wait for Washington to do it for us, we need to lead by setting an example now.

Putting words immediately into action, CNN reported that the new Obama edict requires DNC to return $100,000
The Democratic National Committee is now operating under Barack Obama's fundraising rules.

The DNC today returned about $100,000 in money from lobbyists and political action committees.
Obama imposed the rules to avoid a conflict with his own ban on money from federal lobbyists and PACs.

Republican John McCain does accept money from lobbyists and PACs as does the Republican National Committee and other party committees.

With almost 2 million individual donors, and now adding supporters of Hillary Clinton, we can prove that when we are focused on a common cause there is no problem we can't solve.

That is the basis of this change everyone has been talking about: We have known the solutions needed for years - but we have simply lacked the political will until now.

We are witnessing the emancipation of the American voter - by banding together with small contributions, we are competing and winning.

Look out Washington, there's a wave coming your way, and it's gonna sweep the slate clean and usher in a new era of prosperity!